Friday, August 3, 2007

Terror on Galle

I forgot to mention the funniest thing that happened when I got back from Knuckles. I turned my phone on (there was no reception in Knuckles and very few people call me anyway) and there was a text message from the U.N. Remember this phone belonged to someone else before me (with this number) so I get messages all the time that aren't actually for me. Anyway, it appears that there was a bus of soldiers on Galle Road (main road in Colombo) that were shot at by Tigers. Well, that was the message on the phone anyway, and it said that U.N. personnel are not allowed on Galle. That must have been pretty difficult for them as their office is on Galle Road and it is the main thoroughfare. Anyway, then I got a message from a friend also telling me about the shooting. Apparently, word was getting around. It is a big deal when there is shooting in Colombo as most of the fighting is in the North and East, pretty far from here.

Turns out they were filming a movie. Yep, you heard right, that was all just pretend, but it caused all this chaos. I would have loved to been at the U.N. when the employees realized it was fake and could then leave their compound. I got that message well after closing time, so they were probably pretty upset. Ha.

Can you believe a country currently embroiled in a civil war would allow such a scene to be filmed on a very public street in Colombo with no warning to the places of business, embassies, etc. around there? I was pretty shocked, and then I had a good laugh.

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