Friday, October 26, 2007


Originally uploaded by Jessica Leas Photography
So I've had a few negative environment posts about Sri Lanka, so I thought it was America's turn. Why don't we reuse bottles anymore? Why must we destroy everything and make it again? So wasteful. As long as you sanitize the bottles there is absolutely nothing wrong with reusing them. Just a thought.

Please check out the blog's address! That little elephant is care of Jen G. She is a genius. Thanks Jen G.


Dimitry said...

I agree with you 100%. I wonder if there is a diiference in sanitizine glass soda bottles like the ones they have everywhere else and the plastic ones we have here in the States? Is it about cost or convenience? Anyway, I always thought about as you have in this post. At least let people have the choice of turning their bottles in for some coin, which is allowed in so few states.

Dimitry said...

I agree with you 100%. I wonder if there is a diiference in sanitizine glass soda bottles like the ones they have everywhere else and the plastic ones we have here in the States? Is it about cost or convenience? Anyway, I always thought about as you have in this post. At least let people have the choice of turning their bottles in for some coin, which is allowed in so few states.

Jennifer said...

Dima actually created the little favicon for me. I knew you would like it! And we made it from a picture of a Sri Lankan elephant not an African or Indian one. I thought you would have noticed!

Ivanna said...

Love the new pictures on the top of your blog!
I think glass bottles were being reused way back when I was growing up in Bulgaria. I remember taking them back to a collection point, and they didn't just dump them in a recycling bin, but arranged them in crates: hence I'm thinking they were reused...Can't be sure. Do they reuse them in other countries?