Monday, October 1, 2007

Money, Money, Mon-ney OR Camera Ramblings

In case you were worried, and I am sure you all were, the money situation regarding our less than adequate paychecks has been resolved. Actually, I'm feeling a bit foolish for all my concern. I came out ahead last month. Clearly my plan to bike everywhere and watch every penny I spend is working. I mean I spent a great deal on the photo class and bought clothes this month and still saved a small amount. I should not have worried.

Then I blew the savings on a dry box for my camera. Actually, I'm telling myself that I don't expect to pay for
this box out of my Sewalanka paycheck as my camera addiction is truly personal. One thing my photography class has done (besides imparting a real understanding of white balance and aperture) is freaked me out about the humidity here. I was storing my camera in one of my compression bags, but I don't really believe that is airtight. So now I own a very fancy, Chinese made (meaning the instructions are only in Chinese -- Aya tried to read it, but could only make out every other word), watertight box where my camera is stored when not in use. I also bought a fancy, plug-in silica gel contraption too. So I'm set.

The dry box was purchased at what was supposed to be a camera show, but was really an image printing show. Such fancy printers they have these days. The big attraction were the giant dot matrix printers (like the Hugh, only much larger). This was actually better because had there been a lot of camera equipment I might have plunged deeper into my savings. As it was, I almost bought a monopod.

I went to the Photographic Society of Sri Lanka's monthly meeting yesterday. It was very interesting. A person from
Studio Times presented a lecture on their mission. This group sends amazing photographers all over Sri Lanka on a very regular basis to document change. They have some of the only images on record of some historic sights -- many of which have since been destroyed by war or treasure hunters. The photos were incredible. Very inspirational. Which is good because Saturday my photo class has a field trip to Negombo. I have to leave my house at 4:30 to get to the school by 5:30 -- departure time. Times like this you really understand how much it sucks to live in Boralesgamuwa. Anyway, shouldn't be too much traffic on the roads at that time, so it should be an enjoyable bike ride.

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