Tuesday, April 29, 2008

And then the Monsoon Broke

So I'm back to my routine at Sewalanka. O.k. I'm not really back to my routine, since I don't have one, but I am quite busy (I guess busyness is a sign that I'm not back to my routine).

I'm learning quite a bit about the recycling industry here in Sri Lanka. We are gathering information for a proposal and I've met with the users (soda company), the recyclers, and soon the collectors. All fascinating stuff. Too bad I won't be here to implement this project if we get it funded.

In the meantime, I'm also preparing for a two-week jaunt around the island. My dear friend Rachel is stopping by on her way home from Egypt (technically Sri Lanka is on your way home from any destination, depending on which way you choose to fly) and we will spend 10 days seeing the sights. I haven't actually been anywhere, so this is great for me. It has been difficult to decide where to go since I haven't seen anything, so I can't provide the insider information one would hope for when one visits a friend living in a country. Oh well.

The monsoon broke on Sunday (that is early), so at least it won't be so hot while Rachel is here, but it will be wet.

Tonight I leave for Galle to do another photography workshop. I thought this would be my last one, but I've been asked to present at a psychosocial training also. Thursday is a holiday and Friday I'm presenting at the psychosocial training. Not a lot of time in there to do my regular job and work on the Global Fund AIDs stuff (that project is why I went to Indonesia in March).

After I put Rachel on her plane to return to Portland I will immediately jump in a vehicle to go to Arugam Bay for Wesak (for those outside of Sri Lanka that is this month's Poya name, which is May 20) . I'll have just been there with Rachel, but I like A'bay so much this doesn't bother me in the least.

The point of telling you my travel schedule is so you don't worry when you don't hear from me for a few weeks.

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